Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Four Loko's are Prohibited Beyond This Point

Occurred, September 2010

The title of this story may be a bit decieving, Four Loko's have been banned in our state for a little while now, this story happened before the ban started, 1018 had a ban on them first. If you are not familiar with Four Loko is an energry drink with the equivalent amount of 6 beers worth of alocohol, a.k.a. Blackout in a Can. They look like this:

So, we had a home football game. Struggs worked almost to tailgate time and Blondie and Tot Tot wanted coffee to wake themselves up. Struggs forgot the coffee but decided at the liquor store to get something to make up for it, and brought home a few Four Lokos. This is now known as one of the biggest mistakes ever. Things were all good through tailgate and the game. Part way through the game we all left to meet Neon's boyfriend at a resturant/bar. Boyfriend's brother and roommates were there as well. During dinner boyfriend's brother made a comment that was proabably meant to be innocent and possibly a joke, but it was taken the wrong way. Either way this comment caused Struggs and Neon to get up and leave the table, not meaning to, but resulting in leaving Blondie and Tot Tot behind. Struggs and Neon leave the resturant/bar and walking home. Upon realizing that Stuggs and Neon left the place, Blondie and Tot Tot get angry and begin their quest home. The two of them got to a coffee shop by our house, stopped in and saw a band, which turns out was one of Tot Tot's friends, and then headed home for good, not happy. Neon had already left for boyfriend's house, so Struggs was left with the wrath of the abandonded roommates. Struggs decided to take some shots and listen to what they had to say, which ended up in a yelling match and ultimately Struggs hiding her liquor (later to accuse the other 2 of drinking it) and leaving the house, and Tot Tot driving home.

The next morning after we all sobered up and realized what happened we discovered we are not angry girls and we do love each other and aren't prone to fighting with each other. We had had disagreements before, the only different in this one was we had Four Lokos before going out. We promptly enacted a strong ban on the beverage and haven't had any more blow ups with each other.

And Struggs did find her hidden liquor a few days later, under the kitchen sink.

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