Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Kill Bill Guy

Occurred, 2010

One fine evening in the fall of 2010 Struggs and Blondie decided to go out to one of Blondie's friends houses. While there they met most of the guys that lived in the house and 1 in particular took quite a liking to Struggs. They talked through the night and ultimately sort of exchanged numbers. He got Struggs' and she kind of forgot this until the next morning. He then found her on facebook somehow. The most important factor to this story is that this guy is not the type that Struggs would normally go for, AT ALL.

After the facebook and phone number exchange happened, Struggs figured she might as well hang out with him one night and see if there was any potential there. He came over for a movie and 5 minutes in she knew this would be the last time they hung out. Just no chemistry, attraction, anything at all. Boy did not feel the same way. After the movie he kind of had his hopes up that this would go somewhere, even though nothing happened to give him that impression.

A few weeks go by of almost all unanswered messages, facebook chats, etc., on Struggs' end and it seemed like he got the hint. This was false hope. One night while sitting at home Struggs' phone goes off and its another text message from this guy saying, "hey what r u up to tonight?". Before reading any further know this, one of Struggs' biggest pet peeves is using "u", "r", "2", "k" etc. in text messages, it usually guarantees a no reply to guys. She did however decide to respond to this one and told the boy, "Well Kill Bill is on MTV, so I think I'm gonna stay in and watch that."

If you have ever seen Kill Bill you know there is basically no point in watching it edited down on MTV. Most people would have gotten the hint that clearly said, I am blowing you off, stop trying. He seemingly got the hint.

Fast forward a few weeks to a mass freak out from Kill Bill guy via text using very derogatory language and inappropriate name calling. Struggs was not pleased. She became very aggravated and eventually kind of freaked out, without going into crazy detail, she told this guy to stop texting before she filed a harassment suit and luckily he obliged.

As of now he has seemingly lost her number and has been blocked on facebook. Guys, when a girl says she is staying in to watch a movie on MTV, please get the hint and kindly back off. Girls, keep your phone number to yourself. :)

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