Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Now Infamous Nosebleed

Occurred, April 2010

Last spring Tot Tot invited Struggs, Neon and Blondie onto a party bus for a friend's, friend's birthday. Tot Tot was the only one of us that actually knew people on the bus. This contributes to the embarassment/awkwardness of the story. The way these party busses work is that there is a general meeting spot, everyone shows up, you begin drinking then the bus takes off for a multiple city bar crawl. We all got there pretty early and the drinking started soon after that. We were probably parked in the meeting spot for about an hour before we started on the adventure.

As soon as the driver starts the bus and and begins talking and driving, Tot Tot looks at Struggs and exclaims: OH MY GOD! Your nose is bleeding!!

As Struggs acknowedges her nose is bleeding, it is too late for her poor white shirt. She begins to try to get Blondie's attention because she is sitting next to paper towels. Blondie hands her the paper towels and after input from every person on the bus and about 15 mintues, Struggs' nose stops bleeding. During the nosebleed though, we had people come up to us with so many concerns, the most common was, they wanted to know who hit Struggs. Which to set the record straight, no one hit her! Her nose just started bleeding for no reason.

After the initial shock of the situation we all loosened up and had a great time at random dive bars in the middle of no where and getting to know the people we were with.

By the end of the night the situation became laughable and was helpful is breaking the ice and mingling with the other people on the bus, remember we knew NO ONE before we got there. Although it was helped, having a nosebleed in front of complete strangers is awkward and embarassing and not reccomended.

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